Kindergarten | Grade 1 to Grade 6
Learning and growing with others through shared lives. The shared-learning principle suggests that learners can further develop their knowledge and skills by observing the different models they are exposed with and by building relationships with others.
Praxis Approach
Putting what the learners know into action through good works. The praxis approach principle implies that for a person to be a lifelong learner, he needs opportunities to act freely and rationally. That way, he can potentially contribute to his own development and that of the society where he belongs.
Assessment & Evaluation
Ensuring that the learners are moving towards their purpose in life. Assessment centers on the processes inherent in the learner’s self-regulation. It assumes that the learner has a central and active role in monitoring and regulating their own performance both in understanding the target goals and in using strategies to achieve these goals.
Reflective Practice
Aligning the learners' thoughts and deeds through deep thinking. Reflection helps us align our thoughts with our actions. In SPARKR Model, reflective practice is done intentionally. It is a conscious effort done individually and collectively amongst learners and facilitators.
Knowledge Transfer
Sustaining and transferring knowledge and values to others.​ This principle is grounded on the temporal nature of the learner. The learner's life, as we know it, is temporary. Hence knowledge transfer is necessary to ensure availability of knowledge, skills, and values for the next generation.
Resource Stewardship
Maximizing our resources to fulfill the learners' purpose and destiny. The SPARKR Model takes into account the importance of learning how we can responsibly use our God-given resources to attain our human aspirations. Stewardship in the context of lifelong learning can facilitate the learner’s self-actualization who is by nature intellectually gifted.
As recommended by the research conducted by the University of Melbourne, our assessment highlights students' understanding of concepts and acquisition of skills rather than the mere accumulation of knowledge. Results of assessment are communicated to learners and parents.
Our assessment is based on multiple information sources (e.g. pretests, written tests, portfolios, and works in progress, teacher observation, and conversation). We also use verbal or written feedback to emphasize strengths, identify challenges, and point students to the next steps.
We value our students' hard work, genuine love for learning and passion for excellence. We recognize their outstanding performance and achievement in academics, leadership, and social responsibility, among other aspects of progress and development.