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United Nations & World Children's Day Celebration 2023


Updated: Nov 10, 2023


12 October 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Greetings of solidarity!

We would like to inform you of an important update regarding our school's United Nations Day Celebration, which has been a long standing tradition at Studentdesk Integrated Montessori School.

This year, we are excited to announce that the United Nations Day Celebration will take place on November 29, 2023 (Wednesday), and it will be a joint celebration with World Children's Day. We believe that this dual celebration will provide a unique and meaningful experience for our students, allowing them to connect the global ideals of the United Nations with the aspirations of the world's children.

In the lead-up to this special day, we have planned a series of on-campus activities designed to educate students about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These activities will help our students better understand the global challenges that we are facing and the importance of working together to address them.

We encourage you to take an active interest in your child's participation in these activities and discussions. Please review the schedule of activities related to the event and take note of the items that need your actions.







9 to 13

SDG Banner Making

  • Each class will select a specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), and each student will leave their handprint on the katcha cloth.

  • While the paint dries, students will contemplate their personal advocacy for the chosen SDG. After the paint has thoroughly dried, they will inscribe their advocacy statement on the handprint including their name.




UN Celebration Opening Ceremony

  • Teacher Ann will officially announce the opening of the UN Celebration during the flag ceremony.

  • There will be a mini-parade at the school ground where each class will showcase their SDG banner.

​School Ground


16, 23


6, 13, 20

SDG Awareness Presentation

  • Every Monday starting October 16, 2023, select students from upper elementary will have a short presentation explaining each of the SDG during the flag ceremony.

​School Ground


20, 27



SDG Deep Dive Series

  • For three Fridays, teachers and students will deep dive into learning the SDG through classroom activities and discussions focusing on goals 4, 13, 14, and 15.



27 (deadline)

Voices of Families for SDGs

  • Parents and families will amplify the voices of their children through a social media campaign. They will be posting photos of an activity they did as a family to protect and take care of our people and planet.



23 to 26

SDG Documentary Film Viewing

  • Students will watch a documentary that tackles the most pressing environmental and social issues the world is facing.

  • After the film viewing, students will exchange thoughts and opinions about the film, write a reaction paper (upper elem) or draw a poster (lower elem).



25 (Sat)

8:00AM - 11AM

Urban Farming 101 Workshop

(a separate communication letter with specific details of this event will be sent to families)

  • This is a fund raising activity for students and parents / guardians. Portion of the proceeds from this activity will be used to build our own sustainable school garden.

  • The workshop is a half day in-person activity from 8:00am to 11am where participants will learn about:

  • Farm maintenance;

  • Soil mixing;

  • Growing vegetables; and

  • Basic gardening tips.




29 (Wed)

2PM Call Time

3-5PM Program Proper

UN & World Children’s Day Celebration

(a separate communication letter with specific details of this event will be sent to families)

  • Students will showcase their sustainable traditional costume representing their chosen UN Country and participate in a festive parade.

  • Select students in the upper elementary will deliver insightful presentations on the pressing environmental and social issues facing our planet and the collective actions we can undertake as a community.


Vista Mall Taguig Event Center

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can empower our children to be responsible global citizens.

Your Partner in Education,

Ms. Sarah Alberto - Tordesillas

Program Director

Mr. Emerson Fababaer

Executive Head

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