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Temporary Shift to Online Learning - September 28 - 29, 2023)


27 September 2023

Dear SDIMS Families,

Good day!

In light of the rising nationwide flu cases, and in consultation with the Pasig City Health Office, we will temporarily shift ALL CLASSES to ONLINE MODE starting tomorrow until Friday (September 28 - 29, 2023). This decision is aimed at mitigating the spread of viruses in our school community and providing families with sufficient time to recover from any illnesses that may be affecting them.

Thorough Cleaning and Disinfection

During these two days, our school premises will undergo a thorough cleaning and disinfection procedure to ensure a safe and healthy environment when we return to in-person classes.

Sending of Textbooks and Accessing of Video Meeting Link

To facilitate the transition, we will be sending your child’s textbooks today and a Video Meeting Link will be made available on your child's Kindred site . Please regularly check your child’s Kindred Site for any instructions from your child’s teachers.

IMPORTANT: You will be required to log in your child's official Studentdesk email to access the KindrEd Site.

Answer Family Health Survey

Additionally, please answer this short health survey form by Saturday, September 30, 2023 to help us monitor the health status of our school community.

Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes

We anticipate that our face-to-face classes will resume on Monday, October 2, 2023, provided that our health survey responses indicate that most families are feeling better by that time. We will let you know by Sunday if our online classes will be extended or not.

Stay Updated

Illness Policy and Other Safety Measures

We would also like to reiterate the importance of our illness policy. Please refrain from sending your child to school if they are feeling unwell, as this will help prevent the spread of any viruses.

In addition to the daily use of air purifiers in every classroom (which we have been doing since last school year), we will also be implementing the mandatory wearing of face masks for the time being to further enhance our safety measures.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support and understanding during these times. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone for their safety and swift recovery.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to the well-being of our school community.


Ms. Sarah Alberto - Tordesillas

Program Director

Mr. Emerson Fababaer

Executive Head


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