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Oral Health Month Celebration | February 24, 2022


22 February 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

STUDENTDESK INTEGRATED MONTESSORI SCHOOL (SD IMS) invites you to participate in the Annual Oral Health Month Celebration with the theme: "Be Proud of Your Mouth". This celebration is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 559 dated February 24, 2004.

The celebration aims to strengthen public awareness on the importance of good oral health.

The month-long celebration will include, among others, the activities below:

  • Reinforce the after meal tooth brushing routine.

  • Oral health campaign through classroom health talks, symposia, video presentation, among other related activities.

  • Promote oral health care among the learners.

Click the grade level to to see the schedule of activity of your child per grade level. Make sure to log in your child's KindrEd account to access the activity.

Lastly, please make sure to fill out ONLINE REPLY SLIP for us to know that you have read and understood the letter.

Should you have any questions or clarifications, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at or contact us at 09569304476(Globe or TM) / 09234505600 (Sun or Smart).

To acknowledge that you have read and understood the above procedures in its entirety, please fill out the form below.


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