STUDENTDESK INTEGRATED MONTESSORI SCHOOL INC., vehicle sticker application for School Year 2022-2023 shall be issued to eligible applicants starting October 06, 2022 (Tuesday).
The following procedure shall be observed:
1. Eligibility and Fees
Applicants must be either one of the following: SD IMS Official, faculty, Administrative Staff, parents, and other SD IMS- connected individuals.A maximum of two (2) vehicle stickers can be granted per family.
There is a corresponding charge for each vehicle sticker.
2. Guidelines
No Sticker – No Entry is strictly enforced starting October 12, 2022 (Monday).
Only parents of enrolled SD IMS students may apply for a car pass.
A maximum of 2 car passes per family will be allowed.
Authorization letter is required if the car is not under the parent’s name.
Only those with complete requirements and filled-out application forms shall be entertained and given school certification.
Car Sticker will be placed on the left side of the vehicle’s windshield. Tampering of the car sticker will be dealt accordingly.
Upon entry, stop at the Security officer(s) stationed at the Main Entrance Gate.
For your own safety and security, you are required to roll down the window, open your trunk compartment and your passenger doors (if necessary) for search and inspection.
Damage or injury to persons or property caused by vehicles within the campus shall automatically mean that the car pass/es of vehicles involved shall be suspended until such time that the investigation has been completed and the responsibility thereof is established.
Park your vehicle properly between the lines on the designated parking zones.
Washing of cars is not allowed inside the campus
Turn off the engine once you are parked properly. Idling of engine and pumping of accelerator/revving of engine is discouraged.
Unnecessary noise coming from cars and other vehicles such as burglar alarms, stereos, and/or other gadgets while inside the school compound is prohibited.
Please notify our Admin if there will be a sale or transfer / cancellation of vehicle ownership.
The school shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to your vehicle and the contents thereof and for any damage caused by such vehicle or driver thereof.
Attached the car sticker on the upper right portion of your vehicle windshield.
Remove and tear the sticker upon sale or transfer of ownership or loss of your vehicle and will inform SD IMS accordingly.
The sticker is non-transferrable. Each control number is assigned to specific registered vehicle.
Get your Car Pass Sticker now and avoid the inconvenience and help ease the flow of traffic on campus.